Basic Information on Film Work
Composition- Where objects are placed in the frame
Rule of thirds- When composing a shot imagine a grid over the top of it
Points of interest occur where lines cross.
The golden mean- When composing a shot imagine a diagonal line over the top of it.
Points of interest occur across the line.
Framing- Framing means what you choose to include in the shot and what you leave out. What you
leave out can be important a thriller shot might exclude objects to create tension.
Look at how much space is given around a subject.
Camera Shots
Extreme Long Shot- The subject isn't clearly visible.
Point is to show subject surroundings.
Used as an establishing shot.
Long Shot- The subject takes up the whole frame.
Used to show a characters surroundings.
Mid Shot- Shows some part of the subject.
Conversation shots.
Usually used in fight scenes.
Medium Close Up- Half way between close up and mid shot.
Close up- Subject takes up most of the frame, shows emotion as well.
Extreme Close Up- Only reason for them is if it is needed.
Cut Away- Shot that is usually of something other than the current action. It could be a different subject. Used as a buffer between shots.
Two Shot- Establish a relationship. used to bring attention to 2 people.
Over the Shoulder- Framed from behind. the person you can see should take up about a 1/3.
Noddy Shot- Where someone reacts at the same time as when info is given to you.
Point of view Shots- Show the view from the subjects perspective
Camera Movement
Low Angle Shot- The point at which your shooting from. Used for power and authority.
High angle Shot- Shot is taken from above the subject looking down at it. Subject is weak.
Pan- the camera moves from one point to another (left to right)
Tracking Shot- Camera moves on a dolly to follow the subject. Gives sense of speed.
Tilt- Moves from point to another (up and down). Sense of height.
Canted Angle Shot- Camera position is not straight towards the subject. Sense of caos.
Zooming in and out- More in than out.
Steadicam- Camera moves with action.
Crane Shot- Takes camera from a high angle.
Aerial Shot- The camera is positioned to give a sense of size.
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