Thursday, 9 October 2014

Thriller analysis




This is Expendables 3; it is an action adventure thriller. It has a very well-known cast consisting of Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Harrison ford and Arnold Schwarzenegger. The way this becomes a thriller is because it’s a quick passed action film. It keeps you on the edge of your seat and wanting more action. The lighting effects are just normal day lighting, this makes you feel as if you are seeing this action live and getting involved with the movie.



This is Nightmare on Elm Street (2010); it is a horror mystery thriller. This is a very tense film. The director has taken the original film and made it into a piece of art. The director managed to really catch the essence of this classic film with this new version. This thriller is a very thrilling movie because it has very fast and quick moments to make you jump off your seat. But the lighting in different scenes defiantly gives you a sense of a mood change.



This is Gravity, it is a sci-fi thriller. The reason for this being a thriller is because throughout the film there are a lot of tense moments. The director was able to create tension in loads of different scenes making the music die down and go almost silent, where you can only hear deep heavy breathing. Then with that it creates a sudden scene of excitement. The lighting within this feature is and odd one to call because in space there is no like accept for the Sun so at times it will be really dark or light. However when the main actress gets into other shuttles and centres the lighting tends to be red and flashing to show some sort of peril and again adding to the thrill of this film

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