Saturday, 22 November 2014

Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment

Possible Risk
The reason for the needles is because at the wellhead bridge there have been reports of drug abuse in this area.
To inspect the area for any evidence of drug abuse, if there is any evidence then we abort the plan of using the wellhead bridge.
Broken Glass
The reason for having this is because there have been reports of ASBO’s in this area which have resulted in people acting drunk in the area.
This will be prevented by the group thoroughly checking our filming area to make sure that there is no glass to harm us.
Slippery Surfaces
Due to the age of railway bridge ,  the supports used are concrete and over time have been covered in moss creating a slippery surface.
To prevent falling over due to the slippery surfaces, we will make sure  that we wear appropriate footwear that  has a good grip. We will also make sure that we are aware of our surroundings, this will ensure that we don’t step on any slippery surfaces. 
Fall off the Bridge
The railway bridge we  are using is no longer being used, this means the railings aren’t as strong as they once were. This means they aren’t as  reliable .
This could be prevented by our group being wary of the surroundings and to make sure that when we are filming we are far away from the edge of the bridge.
Tripping over
Due to the railway bridge being old there are bricks and rocks that fall off the bridge. This means the terrain is fairly rock and can be sharp .
To ensure we do not fall over and possibly cut ourselves or break something, we will  make sure we are careful about where we are filming, how we are filming and our general surroundings.
Loose Bricks/ Falling Debris
Due to the railway  bridge being old , it means  there will be parts of the bridge  that will being to flake off because  of its age.  At times due to whether especially if  it’s windy, loose bricks  and debris will  fall  onto the group.
To prevent this from happening we will  make sure that we film at  places that  aren’t as  weak and fragile, to minimize the risk of loose bricks and falling debris. We can also minimize the risk of this happening if we don’t tamper with the bridge and make sure that we aren’t too forceful with bridge.

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